
About us


The company motto


Company motto is the sprit of our founder Tsugio Tanazawa started the company, who loved the shop-floor than anyone else, and pursued technology in deep. Tsugio put ‘Sincerity’ to the first as he always tried to be humble and trust people, instead of deceiving people with cleverness. When the company has only less than 20 employees, he was proud of the technology and already aimed at the world with a broad perspective. His thought made the current global brand TANAZAWA HAKKOSHA.

Company Profile

Company Profile

Foundation 1905 Capital 98 million JPY
Establishment April 8, 1963 Representative Director, President Hajime Tanazawa

Origin of the Company Name

The founder quoted the company name from a buddhist scripture because the date of foundation was April 8, the birthday of Buddha. “八光社 (Hakkosha)” literally includes the number “8” (has meanings in Japan that widely towards to the end) to express our desire to be good for the world, even if we cannot do anything as great as the Buddha’s teachings “光明遍照十方世界(illuminating the ten directions)”.

Origin of the Company Logo

The company emblem is a design of “光 (Hikari),” which means “Light.” The upper center represents “Mountains”. The fresh water from the top of the mountain fertilizes the land, eventually flows into the great ocean, which leads to the whole world. The design expresses the meaning that just as water is useful in the workings of nature, our company should also benefit the world through its own activities.

Production network of Tanazawa Hakkosha

Company history

1905 : Company foundation
1937 : Business opened in Fuse city, Osaka
1953 : Company Incorporation
1963 : Tanazawa Hakkosha Co., Ltd. established
1964 : Tokyo Service Center opened
1966 : Ishikiri Factory opened
1970 : Tokyo branch moved to new building in Yaguchi
1972 : Shinmachi Factory (current Osaka branch) opened
1972 : Nagoya branch (current Tenpaku Factory) opened
1986 : Kasuigai Factory (current Nagoya branch) opened
1987 : Joint Venture Company (MMT) established in Ohio, USA
2000 : Yokohama Factory (TNZ Yokohama) opened
2000 : Kyushu Factory opened
2000 : Shanghai Tanazawa Hakkosha Co., Ltd. established
2005 : Guangzhou Tanazawa Hakkosha Co., Ltd. established
2006 : Thai Tanazawa Hakkosha Co., Ltd. established
2007 : Fuji Factory opened
2009 : Hiroshima Factory opened
2013 : US Tanazawa corp. established
2016 : PT. TNZ Indonesia acquired as subsidiary
2019 : Hubei Tanazawa Hakkosha Co., Ltd. established
2022 : Iwate Factory opened

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